Vlad Ivanov

Bucharest Portrait of an Artist


I love the mountain and the people who live there. Every summer I walk a trail that is very dear to me and at the end of it I stop in a hamlet, in the village tavern as the locals call it, where I talk to the reapers.

The first time we met, one of them asked:
– Where are you from, young man?
– From Bucharest, I answered.
– Do tell us what’s going on in the capital, young man, ‘cause it’s there where they give the exact time.

We spent a lot of time talking, and the last time they asked me:
– So, if you like it here with us, why do you live in Bucharest?
– Because that’s where I feel at home and I’m happy to spend one night a year telling you about my home.
– Well, dear young man, from how you answer, let me invite you for a brandy, but not here… at my place.


Iubesc muntele și oamenii care trăiesc acolo. În fiecare vară merg pe un traseu de suflet și mă opresc la final într-un cătun, la cârciuma satului, cum spun localnicii, unde stau de vorbă cu cosașii.

Prima oară cand i-am întâlnit, unul dintre ei m-a întrebat:
– De unde sunteți, domnișorule dragă?
– Din București, am spus.
– Zi-ne ce mai e pă la capitală, domnișorule, c-acolo să dă ora exactă.

Am povestit mult, iar ultima oară m-au întrebat:
– Apăi, dumitale, dacă-ți place pă la noi, di ce stai în București?
– Pentru că acolo simt că-s acasă și sunt bucuros să petrecem o seară pe an povestindu-vă despre casa mea.
– Apăi, domnișorule dragă, la cum ai răspuns, dă-mi voie să te invit la o țuică, da’ nu aci… la mine acasă.


I have invited 37 artists to take part in this project, and to choose a place in Bucharest to be photographed and to write a text about their relationship with the city. This idea would have remained only an idea without the support of ARCUB. Artists involved: Mircea Albulescu, Coca Bloos, Dragoș Buhagiar, Ștefan Câlția, Mihai Constantin, Corvin Cristian, Alexandru Darie, Ruxandra Donose, Vivi Drăgan Vasile, Tudor Giurgiu, Ilinca Goia, Adrian Ilfoveanu, Sorin Ilfoveanu, Vlad Ivanov, Doina Levintza, Ovidiu Lipan Țăndărică, Marius Manole, Irina Marinescu, Medeea Marinescu, Răzvan Mazilu, Horațiu Mălăele, Dan C. Mihăilescu, Horia-Roman Patapievici, Oana Pellea, Florin Piersic jr., Răzvan Popovici, Marian Râlea, Victor Rebengiuc, Analia Sellis, Răzvan Suma, Tiberiu Soare, Dorin Ștefan, Roman Tolici, Andi Vasluianu, Gheorghe Visu, Dorel Vișan and Aurel Vlad.

This is an extract from “Bucharest Portrait of an Artist” album published in 2015. I would like to thank Vlad Ivanov for taking part in this project. More information about the album can be found here. These photos were taken at Village Museum in Bucharest.

If you are curious to see other artists involved in this project then follow this link.

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